Workshops and Trainings: Out-&-About

February 2019

Chillin’ Anxiety and Worries, Community Continuing Education, Spencerport School District

December 2019

Fostering Resilient Learners Professional Development, Hannibal School District

November 2019

Fostering Resilient Learners Professional Development, Hannibal School District

October 2019

Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, Las Vegas, NV,  Innovative Collaborative Partnerships-Supporting a District’s Strategic Plan: Trauma-Informed Interventions.

September 2019

North Atlantic Region Counselor Educators and Supervisors, Burlington, Vt.  School Mental Health: Supporting Collaborative Partnerships

July 2018

Child Anxiety and Learning.Spencerport School District,  Administrator Retreat, Rochester, NY August 2018.

Legislative Advocacy Meetups, Albany NY. Mental Health Needs of School-aged Children: A Multi-tiered Approach

New Teacher and Administration Professional Development: Trauma-Informed Schools and Mental Health, Hannibal School District

June 2018

Chillin’ Children’s Anxiety, Liberty Resources, Rochester, NY

When Grief Enters Your Classroom, Brockport Central Schools

April 2018

Mental Wellness: Fighting the Stigma, Brockport Central Schools

New York Mental Health Counselors Association: School Mental Health: A New Frontier, with Cory Brosch,  NYMHCA_2018 Sullivan_Mental Health Counselors in Schools A New Frontier 

February 2018

Smart but Scattered: Working with Executive Functioning Skills

January 2018

From Worrier to Warrior: Parenting Strategies to Help Your Anxious Child: Brockport Central School District

Trauma-Informed Schools: Promoting Resiliency in the Classroom: Oswego City School District, Professional Development workshops

December 2017

Counseling Clients with Autism:Tools for Navigating the World at Large- Counseling Today-American Counseling Association

November 2017

Yoga Ed Certification Training

PROJECT SMART, Education Professional Development, SUNY Oswego: Trauma-informed schools and mental health

October 2017

OMS: Mental Health and Stigma

September 2017

Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors in Chicago, IL: Collaborative Supervision Partnerships with Dr. Karen Mackie, University of Rochester

June 2017

Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors-New York: Counseling Summit

May 2017

Brockport Central School District: Coffee Chat

OMS: Mental Health, Wellness and Stigma

April 2017

Brockport Central School District:

Anxiety in Youth: What Caregivers & Educators Need to Know

April 2017

American Counseling Association-New York Advocacy Event: Unmistaken Identity: What Sets Counselors Apart

March 2017

American Counseling Association Conference: Evidence based PLAY Interventions for Social Relationship Skills for Youth with Autism

November 2016

New York State School Counselor Association Conference: Socially Savvy BUILDING Strategies for Teaching Social and Emotional Learning for Children With Autism

September 2016

North Atlantic Region Association Counselor Education and Supervision: A collaborative school-community training project: Mental health counseling trainees in schools.

North Atlantic Region Association Counselor Education and Supervision Conference: Re-Envisioning the Partnership Roles of Counselor Educators and Site Supervisors Today

May 2016

University of Rochester, Warner School of Education, Chi Sigma Iota Induction

OMS Mental Health, Wellness and Stigma

April 2016

American Counseling Association

Structured Equation Modeling-Learning Institute

New York Mental Health Counselors Association:

Play Therapy Interventions for the Busy Counselor

School Mental Health Collaboration with Community Partners: An Evidence-Based Study

Supervision as Collaborative Practice with Dr. Karen Mackie, University of Rochester


College-Community Collaboration-Mental Health Supports in School

March 2016

OMS: Wellness

February 2016

Western New York School Counselors Consortium:

Play Therapy Interventions Galore!

December 2015

Brockport Central School District:

OMS: Mental Health, Wellness and Stigma

November 2015:

New York State School Counselors Association:

LEGO Play Therapy with Children with Autism

October 2015:

Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors:

From Training to Formation: Re-envisioning the partnership roles of counselor educators and site supervisors for today’s counselors, with Dr. Karen Mackie.

Be a SUPERvisor to Child Counselors, with Drs. Jodi Mullen & Tiphanie Gonzalez.